These are documented on the page ShaderLab legacy functionality.
GrabPass creates a Pass that grabs the contents of the screen into a texture, for use in a subsequent Pass.
Use them with materials to determine the appearance of your scene.
UsePass defines a Pass that imports the contents of a named Pass from another Shader object An instance of the Shader class, a Shader object is container for shader programs and GPU instructions, and information that tells Unity how to use them.
Use these commands in a SubShader to define a Pass with a specific purpose.
ZWrite: sets the depth buffer A memory store that holds the z-value depth of each pixel in an image, where the z-value is the depth for each rendered pixel from the projection plane.
In Unity, you can use a stencil buffer to flag pixels, and then only render to pixels that pass the stencil operation.
Stencil: configures the stencil test, and what to write to the stencil buffer A memory store that holds an 8-bit per-pixel value.
Conservative: enables and disables conservative rasterization The process of generating an image by calculating pixels for each polygon or triangle in the geometry.
ColorMask: sets the color channel writing mask.
BlendOp: sets the operation used by the Blend command.
See in Glossary: enables and configures alpha blending.
Blend Transition from one animation to another animation smoothly and seamlessly, such as blending a character’s walking and running animations according to the character’s speed.
AlphaToMask: sets the alpha-to-coverage mode.
Use these commands within a Pass block to set the render state for that Pass, or within a SubShader block to set the render state for that SubShader and any Passes that it contains. You can group ShaderLab commands together with the Category block. More info See in Glossary programs without writing HLSL.
Legacy “fixed function style” commands that allow you to create shader A program that runs on the GPU.
Commands that create a Pass with a specific purpose.
Commands for setting the render state on the GPU.
ShaderLab commands fall into these categories: This page contains information on using commands in the ShaderLab Unity’s language for defining the structure of Shader objects.